Teens and Young Adults

  • Shot of a young businessman experiencing stress during late night at work

Combating Substance Abuse Risk Factors Among Young Adults

December 20, 2022|Addiction and Substance Abuse, Teens and Young Adults|

The transition to independent living, or commonly called “adulting,” is an exciting time for many. Living on your own, having an income, making your own choices and the freedom it brings are experiences worth looking forward to. While moving out of a parent’s home or graduating from college is a thrilling and important step, it also brings its share of hardship. The changes that come with this transition period can also bring risk factors for substance use. Adolescents and young adults are the most susceptible age group to developing an addiction and here are some of the factors that contribute [...]

Five Steps to Preventing Teen Alcohol Addiction

May 5, 2022|Addiction and Substance Abuse, Teens and Young Adults|

It’s not abnormal for teens to be private about their interests, their friends and their hobbies. Sometimes, though, this secrecy is hiding something more serious— alcohol addiction.  If you’re worried that a young person in your life may be at risk for substance dependence, there are ways you can intervene. Here are five steps for preventing teen alcohol addiction. Understanding alcohol addiction It can be unsettling to know that your child or a young person you care about has started drinking under the legal age limit. While drinking under the age of 21 is illegal and should be discouraged, it’s [...]

Is Drug Addiction Preventable? Yes, and Here’s How

April 26, 2022|Addiction and Substance Abuse, Teens and Young Adults|

Solving problems would be much easier if we all had access to time machines. While that technology isn’t available to us, we do have the power of prevention at our disposal, which can reduce the likelihood of negative outcomes in the future. Just like preventative health care can help you identify potential issues and diseases in the future, improve your quality of life and increase your life expectancy, working to prevent drug addiction can have an incalculable impact on a young person’s entire life. Is drug addiction preventable? Addictions are difficult to stop in their tracks. Changed brain reward circuitry, [...]

What Your Teen Needs to Know Before Starting Substance Abuse Treatment

August 2, 2021|Teens and Young Adults, Treatment|

We’ve all seen the classic movie cliche of a mom cleaning out her son’s bedroom and finding drugs, or the daughter caught sneaking in late, smelling like alcohol and creeping up the stairs. These dramatic moments on screen always seem to leave out the harsh reality of teen substance use, and the heavy emotional toll it can impose on the teen and on the family. Many parents dread learning that their child has started drinking or using drugs and wonder what to do when the situation arises. This article is designed to be a tool for the parent or family [...]

  • A doctor prescribes opioid pain medication to a teenage girl

What to Know if Your Teen Is Prescribed Opioids

June 3, 2020|Teens and Young Adults|

Prescription opioid abuse has gained a lot of attention in the media lately due to the national opioid epidemic. As a parent, you may be concerned when a doctor prescribes opioid pain medication for your child. Whether for injury, surgery, or chronic pain, opioids can be effective methods of pain relief. However, there are certain precautions that must be taken to prevent abuse and addiction. What Types of Opioids Could a Doctor Prescribe? There are a variety of opioid medications available, including: Hydrocodone/Vicodin® (sometimes with acetaminophen) Oxycodone/OxyContin®/Percodan®/Percocet®  (sometimes with acetaminophen) Codeine Morphine/Kadian®/Avinza®  Fentanyl/Duragesic®  Diphenoxylate/Lomotil®  Propoxyphene/Darvon®  Hydromorphone/Dilaudid®  Meperidine/Demerol® Methadone Prescriptions may [...]

  • depressed teenager sitting down

What to Do If You Discover Your Teen is Using Drugs or Alcohol

March 7, 2019|Teens and Young Adults|

You likely talk to your teen about drugs and alcohol, and the risks associated with using these substances. But have you considered what you would do if you discovered drugs or alcohol in your child’s possession? The realization that your teen has been using drugs or alcohol is a shocking and upsetting situation. You are probably feeling overwhelmed and have questions about what this means. Here’s what to do if you suspect your child is using drugs or alcohol. Have a Non-Judgmental Conversation Your first instinct may be to punish or tell your teen how wrong their behavior is. However, [...]

  • friends sitting on edge of water

3 Steps for Understanding and Achieving Self-Development

October 1, 2018|Teens and Young Adults|

The young adult years bring many important life changes: leaving home, establishing oneself as an independent individual and beginning the myriad undertakings associated with "adulting." While these are all necessary steps to becoming a responsible citizen, transitions can be challenging to your sense of self as things you formerly relied on to define you fall away. However, as the seasons change, you are presented with an opportunity to develop your identity and pin-point life goals. Instead of falling victim to "paralysis of analysis," here are some three ways you can use this time productively to reflect on the past, dream [...]

  • Child with protective factors against substance use disorder

Protective Factors for Substance Use Disorders

August 30, 2018|Teens and Young Adults|

Just as there are risk factors for developing a substance use disorder, there are also factors that lower the risk. Protective factors are aspects of a child’s life that lower his or her chances of developing an issue in the future. These fall into two broad categories: internal protective factors and external protective factors. Internal protective factors are on the individual level, while external protective factors are related to a person’s relationships, communities, and society. Here are some ways of identifying existing protective factors and fostering additional protective factors in your child as well. Individual Protective Factors Having a positive [...]

  • Woman struggling with a substance use disorder

Risk Factors for Substance Use Disorders

August 16, 2018|Teens and Young Adults|

Within recent years, researchers and medical professionals have concluded that addiction is more appropriately considered a disorder, namely, a substance use disorder. With this realization comes the fact that, like any medical condition, certain risk factors may predispose an individual to developing a substance use addiction. It's important to note, however, that just because some of these risk factors apply to you, it does not mean you are destined or guaranteed to develop an addiction. With the right preventative measures, including education on risk factors for substance use, you can better take care of yourself or provide support and care to a [...]

  • teenager checking her phone

Keeping an Eye on Your Kid

June 19, 2018|Teens and Young Adults|

Modern-day technology is not only addictive but a way for recovering teens to easily connect with past friends who were bad influences. If your child has shown signs of having an addiction to technology or is in recovery we suggest monitoring their use. There are steps you can take and apps you can use to act as a support system without making your child feel overwhelmed, and that still give your son or daughter a sense of peace and freedom. Common Reasons for Technology Reliance There are a number of reasons for a person to develop an addiction to phones, [...]

  • college gathering

A Parent’s Guide to College Alcoholism

June 12, 2018|Teens and Young Adults|

Sending your child to college is a bittersweet moment. You’re so proud of and excited for your freshman student and the new adventures that lie ahead. But like any good parent, you also worry about the choices they will have to make. You hope you’ve done well teaching responsibility. However, peer pressure in college is very strong, especially as they form new social groups. This combination makes the chances of your child participating in heavy partying very high. Learn what you need to know about college alcoholism, so you can protect your child. The Party Culture From the most prestigious [...]

  • child hand grabbing parent hand

Addiction’s Effects on Children

June 5, 2018|Teens and Young Adults|

Addiction to drugs or alcohol can take a severe toll on a person’s life, but oftentimes the greater, perhaps unforeseen, impact is on one’s family. Children in particular can suffer mentally, emotionally and even physically if they have one or more parents battling a substance use disorder. Parental substance abuse can directly interfere with the proper development of their children, ranging from prenatal challenges to problems later in life. In this article, we'll explore all the ways that having drug addicted parents effects children. Addiction effects during pregnancy The dangers of addiction can begin even before a child’s birth. A [...]